Yous can sync your favorite music to your Apple Watch and stream it directly from your wrist to your AirPods or some other pair of wireless earphones. These downloaded tracks can make full your ears while jogging, exercising, or in other situations when your iPhone isn't nearby.

This tutorial shows you how to add downloaded songs to your Apple Watch from your iPhone or using the Apple tree Watch Music app.

How to Download Music to Your Apple Sentinel From Your iPhone

Follow these steps to add songs to your Apple Lookout from your iPhone:

  1. Open the Watch app on your iPhone, scroll down in the My Sentinel section and tap Music.
  2. The easiest approach is to enable Recent Music, which will automatically add songs you have listened to recently.
  3. If y'all want to option and choose particular tracks to add, tap Add Music. And then tap Playlist, Artists, Albums, or 1 of the options here to meet your desired music. Tap the plus (+) icon in the summit right to add all the songs on that screen to your Apple Spotter.
  4. Connect your Apple Watch to its charger for music to download successfully. While that happens, make sure you go along both iPhone nearby.

You can't pick private songs to add to your Apple Sentinel. You lot can only add specific playlists or albums. If needed, open the iPhone Music app to create an Apple tree Music playlist with merely the songs you lot wish to add together to your Apple Scout.

If you're stuck on the Waiting screen for a long time, make sure your iPhone and Apple Sentry are continued to a stable Wi-Fi network. Then open up the Music app on your Apple Scout to see if the songs are downloaded or non. If they are, and yous even so see the Waiting sign at the pinnacle of the iOS Spotter app, simply remove your Apple Watch from the charger and this Waiting sign will change to Updated But Now.

How to Download Songs to Your Apple tree Watch From Apple Music

Now yous know how to download songs from your iPhone to your Apple Watch. Only you tin can also download songs straight on your watch if you have an Apple Music subscription. Here's how:

  1. Open the watchOS Music app and tap Library, Listen Now, or Search to find the vocal yous want to download.
  2. Tap the three dots next to the vocal and choose Add together to Library. Now, you tin stream this playlist or album straight through your Apple tree Watch when it'due south connected to the cyberspace.
  3. To listen offline, tap the 3 dots one time again and choose Download. If you lot don't run across the Download selection, wait until you see the Added to Library alarm on your picket screen.
Download Songs from Apple Music to Apple Watch

This technique doesn't work if you merely have an Apple Music Voice Programme, rather than a standard subscription.

How to Play Downloaded Music on Your Apple Lookout

Once songs are downloaded to your Apple Watch from your iPhone or Apple Music, follow these steps to play them:

  1. Become to Settings > Bluetooth on your Apple Lookout, and connect a set of wireless earphones. If you don't connect them, you'll be asked to do so in pace four below. Yous can't play songs on the watch'due south tiny speakers.
  2. Now open up the Music app.
  3. Tap Library > Downloaded > Songs.
  4. Tap a song name to play it.
Play Downloaded songs on Apple Watch

Y'all won't meet a cloud icon adjacent to the song that'southward downloaded locally.

How to Remove Songs From Your Apple Spotter

If you lot wish to remove a playlist or album from your Apple Watch, to gratis up some storage, open the Scout app on your iPhone. Then become to Music > Edit and tap the red minus (–) push next to a song, then tap Delete. This will delete that download from your Apple Lookout man, but the songs will nevertheless stay in the Music app on your iPhone.

To remove Apple Music playlists and albums from your sentry, tap the three dots icon, and choose Remove.

Listen to Music Offline on Your Apple tree Watch

At present you lot know how to add music locally to your Apple Lookout man to enjoy it without the internet and without your iPhone. Listening to downloaded songs instead of streaming saves your Apple Watch battery and ensures a seamless experience without needing to go along your iPhone nearby.