Files & uploading overview

Google Play partners can sell Ebooks in certain countries/regions. The features described here aren't bachelor everywhere. At this time, only select partners tin can sell audiobooks on Play. While Google doesn't currently accept new audiobook partners, this policy is subject to change.

File formats

Google accepts the post-obit file formats:

  • .pdf files
  • .epub files
  • .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf, and .png files accepted for covers only
  • .naught files that contain merely the file formats listed above

We do not accept .doc, .html, and other file formats.

To sell your book on Google Play, you must provide your volume content in either .epub or .pdf format. We recommend that yous provide both file formats to requite your readers more reading options.

  • Learn more about .pdf file configuration.
  • Learn more about .epub files.

Tip: Fifty-fifty if the cover image is embedded within the .epub or .pdf file, you can submit the cover image equally a separate file. We use this file to display a thumbnail of the volume cover.

Content guidelines

Earlier yous upload whatever files, make sure your content meets Google's guidelines. If you programme to sell your books on Google Play, review our publisher content policies for books on Google Play.

Size & quality limits

  • The book should be at least 4 pages long.
  • Each file must be less than 2 GB. This limit includes cover prototype files.
  • Comprehend files must have a minimum resolution of 640 pixels. The maximum height and width are vii,200 pixels.

Format-specific guidelines

  • The .pdf file must consist of the complete book or exist one of a fix of peculiarly named multi-part files.
  • Do not upload sample content such every bit an excerpt. Yous tin can control the number of pages a user tin can preview in your Google Search preview settings.
  • The .pdf file can't be password-protected. Password-protected files can't exist candy.
  • To automatically generate a tabular array of contents, include bookmarks in the .pdf file.
  • The .epub file must contain the front cover paradigm.
  • The .epub file must include the complete book.
  • Do non upload sample content such every bit an excerpt. Yous can command the number of pages a user tin preview in your Google Search preview settings.
  • The .epub file must be validated by EpubCheck.


Check the table below for example filenames, based on how you program to submit your files.

Important: Incomplete sets of files tin't exist processed. Larn more nearly files and uploading.

A single .pdf file that includes the cover
  • Content and cover
    • ISBN.pdf
A .pdf file that doesn't contain covers. Encompass images provided in divide files
  • Required:
    • Content, no cover
      • ISBN_interior.pdf
    • Front embrace
      • ISBN_frontcover.jpg
      • File extensions differ. .tiff, .pdf, and .png are immune.
  • Optional:
    • Important: If you submit optional files, submit them first.
    • Back comprehend
      • ISBN_backcover.jpg
      • File extensions may differ. .tiff, .pdf, and .png are allowed.
A book split into multiple .pdf files
  • Content and embrace
    • ISBN_1of3.pdf
    • ISBN_2of3.pdf
    • ISBN_3of3.pdf

Numbering in filenames tin can vary based on the number of files.

An .epub file
  • Required:
    • Content and cover
    • ISBN.epub
  • Optional:
    • Front embrace
      • ISBN_frontcover.jpg
      • File extensions may differ. .tiff, .png, and .pdf are allowed

Which identifier to use

  • If you upload a single volume from the volume's Content tab: You don't need to include the identifier in the filename.The filename extension is used to determine what kind of file you've uploaded.
  • If your books already accept unique identifiers such as an ISBN or a Google-assigned GGKEY: Apply the filename conventions above, but supercede ISBN with the book's actual identifier. The identifier is required for u.s. to associate the file with the correct volume.
    • For GGKEY identifiers, you lot don't take to include the GGKEY: prefix.
    • For print and electronic ISBNs:
      • Name your .pdf files using the print ISBN.
      • Name the .epub files using the electronic ISBN. Learn more about ISBNs.
  • If your books don't have unique identifiers: You can use your own filenames. Use the filename conventions above, but replace ISBN with the text of your selection. Follow these guidelines when you lot create filenames:
    • Don't employ 10-digit or 13-digit numbers as these can be confused with ISBNs.
    • Don't employ underscores(_) except every bit noted in the example filenames. For instance: _interior or _frontcover.

Encompass files

Encompass files should be in .jpeg, .pdf, .tiff, or .png format and have the appropriate filename extension.

Upload & update files

You tin can upload i or more files for a single book or for multiple books in the Partner Center.

To update a file, upload the new version, which replaces the old version.

I file for a single volume

To upload a file for a single volume:

  1. In the book's settings, go to the "Content" tab.
  2. Upload the new file.

To update content or cover images, upload a new .pdf or .epub file to the existing book list.

Multiple files for a single volume

To upload multiple files for a single volume:

  1. In the book'due south settings, go to the "Content" tab.
  2. Make sure that your files follow the naming requirements.
  3. Upload and submit all the files at the same fourth dimension.
    • If yous don't submit all the required files at the same fourth dimension, the files are listed under "Awaiting Content" on the book'southward Content tab. The content or cover doesn't process until you submit all the expected files. For example, ISBN_frontcover.pdf stays listed nether "Pending Content" until y'all upload ISBN_interior.pdf.

When you update a book with multiple files:

  • For multi-role .pdfs, like ISBN_1of2.pdf and ISBN_2of2.pdf: Resubmit all the files, fifty-fifty if non all of them are getting updated.
  • For a .pdf file without the cover, like ISBN _interior.pdf and ISBN _frontcover.jpg : Resubmit the content ( ISBN_interior.pdf) to trigger the procedure for the most contempo set of files. Alternatively, if y'all update the cover image with a .pdf file and don't change whatever other files, name the file as ISBN_frontcoveronly.pdf.

Multiple files for multiple books

To upload multiple files for multiple books:

  1. Get to the Book Itemize.
  2. Select Advanced and then Add multiple content files.

Each updated filename must have either:

  • The same filename every bit its original file, or
  • The identifier as a prefix

If you utilise a filename that doesn't come across these requirements, yous get a new book listing in your Book Catalog.

File status & history

To check the status of your files:

  1. Go to the Play Books Partner Center.
  2. On the left, click Book Catalog.
  3. Click the book title.
  4. Get to the Content tab.

Awaiting Content: You can find your most recently uploaded files that aren't processed  with a status bulletin.

  • If in that location are any issues, click the error message for more information.

Processed Content or Cover Files: You tin can find the latest versions of your .epub, .pdf, and cover image files that were successfully candy.

Tip: Files submitted through the Content tab are renamed to include the identifier and may differ from the filenames you used to submit the files. The change in filenames doesn't interfere with the processing of your files.

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