
How To Upload A Word Doc Onto Google Docs

TechRadar Verdict

With an intuitive interface, robust sharing capabilities, and generous free storage limit, Google Docs is one of the top word processors and online collaboration tools on the market.


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    Convenient sharing and editing through Google Drive

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    Excellent support options

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    xv GB of free storage


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    Mobile app lacks a few features

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    Formatting problems

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    Non as good as Microsoft Give-and-take

Whether for piece of work or personal projects, give-and-take processors are i of the almost popular apps for desktops and laptops. Besides native apps like Pages (Mac) and Microsoft Give-and-take (Windows), users can cull from a broad range of third-political party word processing platforms that take a variety of unique features.

Google Docs is ane of the top discussion processing apps for both individual and collaborative use. In our Google Docs review, we'll take a close expect at the service's features and help yous decide whether it'southward the all-time option for you or your concern. Make certain to check out our guide to the best online collaboration tools for more information about some of the top apps and websites for productivity currently on the market.

  • You can sign upwards to Google Docs hither.

Google Docs: Plans and pricing

Like the other apps in Google'southward productivity suite, Google Docs is entirely complimentary to use regardless of the number of users in your organisation. While each individual user is express to 15 GB of gratuitous storage, that should withal be plenty for thousands of pages of text.

On the other hand, organizations with a more sophisticated workflow should consider upgrading to a premium Google Workspace subscription. Starting at $6 per user per calendar month, these plans come with a higher storage limit and extra features such equally video meetings, customizable business emails, and group-based security policies. But again, none of these tools are necessary if you just want to use the core functionality of Google Docs.

Google Docs review

Google Workspace subscriptions are available from $6 per user per month (Epitome credit: Google)

Google Docs: Features

Like most other discussion processors, Google Docs has a robust set of tools for editing text. These range from elementary options, like font size and type, to more avant-garde features, such as automatic formatting for citations and a born translator powered past Google Translate.

While those features are cracking to have, Google Docs clearly stands out from the other free competitors in its real-time editing and collaboration capabilities. Sharing a document is as easy every bit clicking the Share button in the upper-right corner, which allows y'all to either add together individual users or re-create a shareable link. You tin can also set up shared folders to easily manage documents that demand to exist made accessible to multiple users.

In one case a document has been shared, it tin can be accessed by every bit many as 100 users at the same time. Changes made past one user will be reflected on the shared certificate, and the entire edit history is easily bachelor in example you need to revert to an earlier version. While documents are stored in the deject by default, you can likewise download them to your device for offline editing.

Google Docs review

Google Docs makes information technology easy to see a document's history and rapidly restore a previous version (Image credit: Google)

Google Docs: Interface and in use

Google Docs comes with a simple, clear interface that will be familiar to anyone with experience in Microsoft Word, Pages, or a similar word processing application. The intuitive toolbar provides quick access to fonts, spacing options, bulleted and numbered lists, and other common features.

Google Docs review

The Google Docs interface makes information technology easy to notice whatever you're looking for (Image credit: Google)

Yous'll also meet a certificate outline on the left side of your work. The outline is populated based on your edits—if you add a subheading under a principal heading, for instance, it will automatically announced in your certificate outline.

Google Docs also has surprisingly functional apps for iOS and Android devices. They come up with many of the features that are bachelor on desktops and laptops, although some are conspicuously absent. For example, you tin't insert special characters on a mobile device, then you'll need to re-create and paste them into the application or find another workaround.

However, on the negative side Google Docs struggles with file conversions, and documents converted from Microsoft Word may lose formatting. Additionally, Google Docs doesn't have the same range of features and functionality that Microsoft Word has.

Google Docs: Support

As mentioned, the Google Docs interface is relatively intuitive and like shooting fish in a barrel to learn. That said, Google also has helpful support options in case yous run into any issues. If y'all're trying to access a detail tool, but click Help in the toolbar and enter the pick that you're looking for.

Google Docs review

The Help role volition quickly directly you to whatsoever option available in the Google Docs menus (Image credit: Google)

If you yet need assistance, you can likewise click through to the Help Center to view support manufactures on a wide range of topics. In that location'southward also a relatively agile support community that may exist able to assistance you with more than involved questions. Finally, you can contact Google support directly via email for one-on-one assistance with technical issues and other questions.

Google Docs: Security

While Google Docs is generally a secure platform, there are potential weaknesses to be aware of. First, sharing documents via sharing links is an inherently vulnerable practice because anyone who gets access to the link will exist able to view the file.

If you're concerned near privacy, you should as well consider enabling two-step authentication on your Google business relationship nether Security. Organizations with a Google Workspace subscription tin admission more than advanced security options and manage policies at the group level.

Google Docs review

Two-step verification can be enabled in simply a few clicks from the Google Account page (Image credit: Google)

The competition

If you lot're merely looking for a fashion to edit documents, you can access some of the aforementioned features as with a competing application similar Pages or Microsoft Word, but Google Docs is still limited by comparing. Over again, though, the outstanding sharing and collaboration tools are the main describe for many Google Docs users. They're just ane of the many reasons that Google Docs is amid the all-time Microsoft Part alternatives.

If you're by and large sharing between your own devices, y'all can also keep your files consistent with an integrated cloud storage platform like OneDrive or iCloud. That said, Google Drive comes with xv GB of gratuitous storage, while iCloud and OneDrive users are limited to only 5 GB.

Final verdict

Overall, Google Docs is an accessible and powerful slice of gratuitous office software. While it doesn't take as many features as Microsoft discussion, it has more than enough for near users. While some people may prefer the traditional experience of an offline desktop app, Google Docs is designed for more integrated workflows.

With that in mind, Google Docs is one of our height recommendations for discussion processing. Betwixt its generous amount of free storage infinite, unmatched support for real-fourth dimension collaboration, and integration with the larger Google Workspace, it has everything you need to manage your documents in a personal or professional setting.

  • You tin sign up to Google Docs here.

Alex is a writer focused on providing insightful, actionable content that can truly modify the way readers arroyo their finances.

Alex has been writing every bit a freelancer for several years on a diverseness of topics including marketing, parenting, and customer relationships along with personal finance. He's especially interested in the fashion seemingly small adjustments tin transform a person's financial outlook.


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